A mobile number consists of ten digits. The first four digits of the number are 9, 9, 8 and 7. The last three digits
are 3, 5 and 5. The remaining digits are same but other than these digits and make the mobile number, the
greatest possible number. What are these digits?
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Step-by-step explanation:
दिल जीत लें वो नजर हम भी रखते है भीड़ में भी आए नजर वो असर हम भी रखते है यूं तो वादा किया है किसी से हर दम मुस्कुराने का वरना इन आंखों में समंदर हम भी रखते है
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9979033568 I'd s is the mobile number consists of ten digits. First four digits are 9,9,7 and 9.Make the smallest mobile number by using only one digit twice from 8,3,5,6,0.
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