a modulation signal 10sin (2π* 103t) is used to modulate a carrier signal 20 sin (2π*10 4t).Find the modulation index, percentage modulation, frequencies of the sideband components and their amplitude. what is the bandwidth of the modulated signal? Also draw the spectrum of the AM wave.
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(i) part is in image
(ii) Percentage modulation,
ma = ma x 100%
= 0.5 x 100% = 50%
(iii) Amplitude of USB = Amplitude of LSB
= m a V c 2 maVc2
= 0.5 × 20/ 2 = 5
(iv) fUSB = fc + fm =
103 + 104 = 103 + 10 x 103
= 103(1 + 10) = 11 x 103 Hz
= 11kHz fLSB = fc - fm = 104 - 103
= 103(10 - 1) = 9 x 103 Hz
= 9 kHz Bandwidth
= 2fm = 2 x 103 Hz
= 2kHz

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