A mouse is at a distance of d from a cat. Both start
running with constant equal speed V, in such a way
that mouse moves in a straight line perpendiculario
initial line joining cat and mouse, and cat always
moves aiming al mouse, Separation between them
when both move on the same line is
solve using Pursuit curve
A mouse is at a distance of d from a cat. Both start
running with constant equal speed V, in such a way
that mouse moves in a straight line perpendicular io
initial line joining cat and mouse, and cat always
moves aiming al mouse, Separation between them
when both move on the same line is
Such Problems can be solved using Pursuit curve
The notion of pursuit curve refers to the trajectory of a moving point M (the cat or the chasing plane) the movement of which is, at every instant, oriented in the direction of another moving point M0 (the rat, or the chased plane), the trajectory of which is called escape curve.
A curve of pursuit is a curve constructed by analogy to having a point or points representing pursuers and pursuees; the curve of pursuit is the curve traced by the pursuers. With the paths of the pursuer and pursuee parameterized in time, the pursuee is always on the pursuer's tangent.
This is a quite complex .
This problem is of a level of higher education.
Not of a 12th Level.