(a) निम्न प्रश्नों का पूछे गए अनुसार उत्तर दीजिए-
(i) p.p.m का पूर्ण रूप होता है ...............!
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p.p.m=parts per million.
पार्ट्स प्रति मिलियन
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PPM = parts per million
- parts per million is a term used in chemistry to denote a very, very low concentration of a solution.
- parts per million is also a measurement used by many customers to measure quality performance. One ppm means one (defect or event) in a million.
Related terms:
- PPB = Parts per billion
- PPM checklist ?
PPM = Planned Preventive Maintenance
It is done periodically (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly,annually). Every type of PPM has a slightly different checklist.
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A meeting or meeting place that has been agreed upon.
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