(a) name the apparatus.
(b) what is it used for?
(c) What is the role played by the air-bubble in this
(d) What is the use of the reservoir ?
(e) What happens to the movement of the air-bubble
if the apparatus is kept :
(i) in the dark; (ii) in sunlight; (iii) in front of a
Give a reason in each case.
Complete answer:
As the name suggests, a Potometer or transpirometer is used to study and measure the amount of water absorbed by a plant shoot during transpiration. > The air bubble introduced into the capillary tube is used to monitor the volume of water absorbed by the plant shoot due to transpiration.
a] it is ganong's potometer.
b] It is used to measure the rate of intake of water by plant.
c] the function of air bubble is to mark the progress of transpiration and absorption of water by freshly cut twig which must be devoid of any roots.
d]It is used to bring the air bubble to its original position. this is done by releasing some water from reservoir into capillary tube.
e] i. there's no movement of air bubble, as stomata is closed and there's no transpiration.
ii. air bubble will move further in the capillary, transpiration rate is more
iii. air bubble will move faster, as there is faster wind velocity hence faster transpiration rate.