A. Name the following. 1. Disease-causing microbes 2. The state of physical, mental, and social well being 3. Practices that help in maintaining the health of an individual or community 4. A protozoan infection caused due to contaminated food and water 5. An organism that can decompose waste
3.Personal health
4.Amoebiasis (Amebiasis)
1) Pathogens
2) Health
3) Community health
4) Amoebiasis.
5) Decomposer
1) Disease causing microorganisms are known as pathogens and they are known as primary cause of disease.
2) Health is defined as the state of physical, mental, and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity this definition was given by WHO ( World Health Organization) .
3) Community health measures include proper drinking water, sewerages and drainage maintenance, vaccinations etc.
4) Amebiasis is an infection of the intestines. It is caused by the microscopic parasite Entamoeba histolytica and portal of entry is gastro intestinal tract and means of disease spread is contaminated food and water.
5) Decomposers such as bacteria and fungi are known as decomposers which convert the complex organic matter into simple inorganic matter, water and carbon dioxide.