English, asked by sv17, 8 months ago




Answered by madeducators1

Essay- The Terrorist Attack I was Engulfed In


This happened two weeks ago and writing about it still gives me jitters. I was in Mumbai for a friend's wedding. I reached Mumbai by flight. The initial days were fun-filled. After the wedding, I decided to take a tour of Mumbai.

I was commuting with the help of the local trains. They were packed with people and for me, it was a challenge to navigate. After a day I was comfortable with it. I decided to leave the hotel and go to Juhu Beach. As I was going to the station I found a puppy which was injured. I gave first aid, but due to this, I was late. After attending the puppy I ran to the station. In my mind, I was cursing myself. When I finally reached the station the train had left. I was unhappy. Suddenly there was an explosion. The sound was so loud, that for a few seconds my ears were numb. I saw people running. I was on the floor and my hand was bleeding. I realized that a bomb had exploded. I was a victim of a terror attack. Everyone was running here and there. There was panic and I tried to get up, but I couldn't. I was in pain, but nobody paid attention to me. I could hear the siren of an ambulance. I wished that somebody would notice me. A few minutes later I felt somebody picking me up.

When I opened my eyes I was in the hospital, my left arm was wrapped in bandages and I couldn't move it. My parents were near me. The television was on and a news channel was airing the terror attack that I was engulfed in. I was still afraid, my parents made me comfortable. I was thankful that I survived the attack.

My arm has healed to some extent, but the incident really changed my life. Now, I am extra careful. I avoid crowded places. I have also become cautious, I report everytime I find something suspicious.

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