A negatively charged particle having magnitude of charge
q=0.1 c and mass m = 200 gm moves with speed v=10m/s
enters a region having magnetic field B 4T making an angle
60° with X axis as shown in figure. The direction of magnetic
field is out of the X-Y plane. A convex lens is placed at a
distance 14.3 m from origin, Region of magnetic field starts
from origin and extends till lens. Focal length of lens is 50 cm.
Take X-axis as principle axis.
Calculate the radius of path of charge
(A) 4.25 m
(C) 5 m
(B) 6 m
(D) 7.1 m
Find the frequency of revolution
(A) 0.32 Hz
(C) 2.16 Hz
(B) 0.64 Hz
(D) 3.14 Hz
What is change in momenturn from t = 0 tot =" sec?
(A) 8 kg m/s
(B) 2 kg mis
(C) 10 kg m/s
(D) 17.32 kg mis
What is the image height at t =
(A) 7.5 cm
(C) 4.5 cm
sec from principle axis
(B) 13 cm
(D) 9 cm
Find the minimum value of initial velocity of charge so that image formed is virtuail
(A) 7.2 m/s
(B) 14.8 m/s
(C) 16.4 m/s
(D) 20 m/s

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