A number of geographical, economical and cultural factors combine to decide location of industries."Explain any three factors which influence industrial locations.
1. Raw Materials: Modern Industries require wide range of raw materials for its growth. Industries which use heavy and bulky raw materials are usually located near the supply of raw material while industries which use light raw materials are located with no reference to raw materials.
2. Power Supply: Coal, Mineral oil and Hydroelectricity are three important conventional sources of power.
3. Labour: Modern Industry require a large number of skilled as well as unskilled workers.
4. Transport: Transport by land or water is necessary for supply of raw materials and for the marketing of finished products.
5. Water Supply: Many Industries are established near rivers, canals and lakes because they require large quantities of water for proper functioning.
6. Market: Nearness to market is essential for quick supply of manufactured goods.
7. Site or Land: Land should be flat and well served by transport facilities.
8. Climate: Harsh climate is not suitable for establishment of industries. There can be no industrial development in extremely hot, humid, dry or cold climate.