English, asked by paladuguharish100, 7 months ago

A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backwards as forwards. Givena palindrome write a program to print the sorted list of all palindromes that can be constructedfrom the alphabets of the given palindrome. All palindromes should start in a newline.Input Format :The first line, an integet T, indicating the number of test cases T lines each containing one string(palindrome)Output Format:Print sorted list of all palindromes constructed from the given palindrome of the ith test case. Ifthe entered string is not a palindrome, then it should print as Not a palindrome.Sample Test Case:TSample Input:1NITINSample Output:INTNI​​


Answered by poojan

Language used : Python Programming

Program :

from itertools import permutations






  if st==st[::-1]:




      for i in perm:


          if check==check[::-1]:

              if check not in update:



      if len(update)==1:

          print("Doesn't form any other palindrome")


      print("Not a palindrome")



Inputs and outputs :

Test case 1 : (opting for 1 test case)

Input :



Output :


Test case 2: (Opting for 4 test cases)

Input : (1)



Output :


Input : (2)








Input : (3)


Output :

Doesn't form any other palindrome

Input : (4)


Output :

Not a palindrome

Explanation :

  • First take no.of test cases n as an input and write a while loop to run it for n times.

  • Entering the loop ask user to enter a string.

  • Check whether the string is palindrome or not. If yes, using permutations, take all the possibilities into a list variable. Else, print a statement stating that it isn't a palindrome.

  • If it is a palindrome, form a list immediately and insert that palindrome into the string.

  • Write a for loop that checks each probability by joining the substrings of a sub list that forms a word, whether it is palindrome or not.

  • If the probable string is in list, ignore to print. Else, append the new string to the list and then print it.

  • After all the probabilities of a string, are checked and the new palindromes are printed, initialize all the in loop things back to empty.

  • If you find no other palindrome is happened by checking len(list)==1 (that 1 is of the original string), print a statement stating that.

  • Update the flag variable by incrementing it to 1, and let the loop keep on running till that flag value equals to the no.of test cases entered. That's it!

Learn more :

  • Advantages of Programming in python


  • Indentation is must in python. Know more about it at :


Answered by satyam21461

s = input("Enter a string: ")

if s[0:] == s[::-1]:

 print("The string is a palindrome.")


 print("The string isn't a palindrome.")

The above program can be done using string slicing.

String slicing is the act of extracting a substring from a given string. In order to do so, one must understand how to declare each character's index values.

Positive indexing starts traversing through the string forwards and starts with the index value 0.

Negative indexing starts traversing through the string backwards and starts with the index value -1.

When you give a negative number as the step value, the string is read in its reverse order.

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