English, asked by pobontalukdar95, 5 months ago

a paragraph about the life of a farmer (350 words)​


Answered by XxMissRoyalxX


Farmers are the strength and backbone of the economy of any country. The food we eat and the food that keeps us healthy and strong is provided by the farmers. We are able to survive on this planet with the help of farmers and thus they are the most valuable and important people of our lives. As per the stats, farmers contribute nearly 17% to the economy of India. Farmers hold great significance in the society, however, despite being so useful, they do not have proper means of living.

In India, farmers do not enjoy the status they deserve and hence every week or month, we hear many cases of suicides by the farmers. They live a very difficult and hard life and still they don’t get the privileges they are actually worthy of. Usually, the middlemen involved in trading of vegetables and fruits get most of the money and the farmers are deprived of their basic rights.

Lately, many farmers are committing suicides because they do not have enough money to satisfy their basic needs of life and hence they resort to doing such heinous things. Many a times their crops get destroyed due to the effects of global warming and they do not get any kind of reimbursement from the government. This ultimately makes them poor and scarce in resources and makes their life miserable.

Recently, government has taken some steps to save farmers and their life. Government has released them from all types of loans and they are also paid Rs.6000 annually so that they can have some extra earning other than their profession. Also, government has taken steps to reserve seats for their children in various schools and colleges so that they should not be deprived of education. All these measures are taken to help them lead a better and healthy life. Although there’s a lot more than can be done to improve their living, however, these small steps can help them live a life they deserve.

Answered by ZzyetozWolFF

Life of a farmer:

Farmers are the ground of everyone's basic need. In India, farmers are considered appreciable for their hard work. Without food, any one can barely survive, and here, farmers are the ones working hard for food. They work for hours in fields and prepare high-quality food for us, to reach our basic need. Regardless of all the respect, they lead a life, which is not that easy. To describe a farmer's life in a few words, would be energetic, yet upsetting. The day starts in the early morning hours, before sunrise. Slowly the sun rises, and the strength increases, work increases. A multitasking work, to protect crops and working hard for every grain that we get. No water nothing, they keep on working hard the entire day. They feed animals. They fertilize crops. To protect their crops and give proper nutrition to crops, they remove weeds and apply pesticides. Also, they need to inspect the crops, if they are growing neat. When the day is over, they reach their home, eat and again watch for their field, if it's all fine. The life of a farmer becomes dismal when there is climate change. If it rains heavily, all the hard work flows along the water. Depts that needs to be paid for bringing seeds, soil and fertilizers have no way to be tolerated. If it gets too cold, again the crops would rot. If it's too dry, the crops would dry. They suffer financially whenever there is a loss on crops. Finally, when a successful harvest happens, that's the vastest joy for a farmer. We owe a lot to farmers just because of them, we are alive today. According to the reports of 2018, 17 - 18% of our country's GDP contributes to agriculture. which defines the importance of farming. The difference has brought due to the industrial revolution before that farming was the primary source of our economy.

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