English, asked by Manu88091, 7 months ago

A paragraph on examination phobia (80to100) word


Answered by devashree1028


Every one of us experiences some kind of anxiety from time to time which results out from a situation that we perceive as threatening, such as having to do an oral presentation, having a near-miss with a car, or waiting for the results of a lab test. Anxiety is really common among humans during a situation that tends to create a tense atmosphere. The examination can be one such event that leads to a lot of tension and anxiety commonly known as examination phobia. It has been often observed among the students that suddenly something feels very wrong; they feel like they might be losing control. You feel physical symptoms that mimic serious health problems and in some cases, you feel as if death or doom is imminent. Anxiety is a normal human feeling that is part of life and can often serve as a good form of adrenaline. However, in a few people this adrenaline rush exceeds normal limits and at times may lead to some negative consequences.

We often come across the terms examination fever or examination phobia. Scientifically this is a result of anxiety and is often termed as test anxiety. Test anxiety is a type of anxiety that can affect a test taker before, during, or after a test. It is an issue that many students deal with at one time or another and at times can hamper their performance badly. A lot of people think that the cause of examination fever is an inadequate preparation for the test that makes students sick fearing the bad results, which is not true. Exam anxiety can be caused due to under-preparedness as well as over-preparedness also. Test anxiety can also be experienced at varying levels and may range from slight exam stress that can help you by providing alertness, readiness, and help you to concentrate. However, excessive exam anxiety can result in stress and negatively affect performance and can also lead to forgetfulness or dizziness.

It has been observed that children attend classes regularly, completed homework, and studied regularly. He or she arrived at the exam confident about the material, but are not able to perform well owing to test anxiety. If students develop test anxiety, a type of performance anxiety, taking the test becomes really difficult for them. Fear of failure, lack of preparation or over preparation and lack of experience in handling high-pressure situations. Everyone should feel somewhat anxious before they begin to take a test which is a normal part of life. However, anxiety becomes a problem when it begins to interfere with a student's ability to think logically or remember facts. Physical symptoms of real test anxiety include tense muscles, sweaty palms, a pounding heart, and feeling faint or nauseous. Cognitive symptoms include the inability to remember simple things, illogical thinking, and mental blocks. However, it is very important that if a student faces anxiety that causes some physical imbalance or hampers his performance then one must consult a doctor.


Hope that helps :)

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