a paragraph on how you are spending your time at home
Answer: My Home Diary
I love playing on my Nintendo Switch. I love using Brainly. Brainly is helpful for educational purposes. It is also a great tool for cheating. I love watching Disney+. It has all the old throwbacks from 1928 and back! I also love learning about COVID-19. Did you know that thousands of people in the USA are getting it? I like learning about BOTW via my Google Virtual Classroom with my teacher that plays it, Ms. W. Ms. Orr is one of my favourite teachers because she is nice. She loves to do stuff with me. I miss you.
hope it helps
Here is your answer mate ;
I usually spend my time at home by doing many activities in my home as we are in Lockdown due to the corona virus, my school used to take online class and send us assignment to do .And when I get fed of doing my assignment ,I usually start doodling on my I-pad.,after that I do my school homework and assignment in the evening .Then its night ,I used to watch my T.V.show and after that I start studying my subject that is being taught in my school during the online class in the morning, I study till one in the morning and go to bed, and after wake up at nine in the morning the cycles goes on till the Lockdown is over .