India Languages, asked by beddalateja76921, 2 months ago

A paragraph on tailor in marathi


Answered by luckyking557711


correct answer





कापणे व शिवणे


In order for to find out if a suit jacket was sewn or glued, simply ask your 'tailor' or the salesman you're consulting.

Since Christmas, I've taken four pairs of trousers to a 'tailor' , paying £8 each time to have them taken up an inch.

If I could 'tailor' clothes, I'd make it live, but my sewing skills are rudimentary and extremely time-consuming.

Surely you can only 'tailor' a jacket according to the size of the cloth available.

The moderately rough seas and the discoloured water certainly made the conditions ideal and several mixed catches of 'tailor' , bream and jewfish were taken.

Lennox Head and Seven Mile have reports of whiting, bream, 'tailor' and jew.

The window will have to be fixed, which gives business to the glazier, who will use it to buy a suit, helping the 'tailor' , and so on.

Anzac Day should see the early signs of the winter fish - bream, blackfish and 'tailor' .

One spot that responded with some nice fish was the lagoon at Lennox Head, where there were some nice 'tailor' and at least one good king fish taken at high tide.

He lived in the Hotel Carlyle in San Francisco, bought his suits from the finest 'tailor' in town, and kept a box at the opera.

The white water that can be stirred up with a little wind often produces the conditions from which we can catch good 'tailor' and jewfish.

At Evans the lads are getting some muddies and sandies in the higher reaches of the river while 'tailor' and bream are at the end of the walls.

Stars and celebrities are stepping out in clothes made by a 'tailor' who does all his work from a garden shed in Doncaster.

Now I have the 'tailor' make the family clothes in the same colour I have chosen for the bath towels.

If up early you can pick up the odd 'tailor' or bream off the beaches or headlands.

One can only 'tailor' a jacket according to the piece of cloth available.

It will get harder and harder to catch bass in the coming weeks, but easier to get a feed of bream, 'tailor' , blackfish and probably less flathead and whiting.

To get a last go at the 'tailor' a number of anglers took off to Fraser Island.

Rudolf wore a nice suit from a fine 'tailor' in town, and Marlene donned a very flappery-looking dress.

Answered by FoochaSer


शिंपीकडे अनेक साधने असतात. ती कात्रीची जोडी, शिवणकामाचे यंत्र, मोजमापाची टेप, धारदार सुई, त्याच्या मधल्या बोटावर काठी. काही थ्रेड रील आणि गोळे आणि एक लोखंडी प्रेस. शिंप्याचे काम खूप कठीण आहे. शिंपी ग्राहकांसाठी त्यांच्या वैशिष्ट्यांनुसार, गरजा आणि प्राधान्यांच्या आधारावर कपडे बांधणे, बदलणे, दुरुस्ती करणे किंवा बदलणे यासाठी जबाबदार असतात. ते ग्राहकांचे मोजमाप घेतात, फॅब्रिक निवडण्यात मदत करतात आणि अतिरिक्त समायोजन आवश्यक आहेत की नाही हे निर्धारित करण्यासाठी फिटिंगची व्यवस्था करतात.

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