A paragraph on value of sharing
The word share means “to see separated but with someone.” In a broader sense, sharing also means to give to those in need “our diversity” and our resources for everyone’s well-being. So it is a question of putting together one’s ideas or means for a common benefit.
Sharing leads to happiness, thanks to diversity. And isn’t this the basis on which the relationships are based?
Love and friendships are based on sharing, on looking at each other despite the different points of view, on the value of mutual help. For this reason, it is essential to teach children the high value that “sharing” takes in everyone’s life and the importance of sharing our tangible or intangible “things” with others.
A world without sharing cannot even be imagined; families, tribes, villages, and cities would no longer exist. Knowledge would be kept secret and, therefore, not handed down. We would not have passed. Therefore, sharing is so important that it is fundamental.
“Sharing makes you more significant than you are. The more you give to others, the more life you can receive”. Sharing is a very close topic to us as it is an essential social skill to build healthy, strong relationships and contribute to the well-being and happiness of the collectivity.
It's important to care and share because if you do, other people would follow in your footsteps and the world would be a happier place. It effects people in a good way because if you do something good to someone, they will feel loved and most likely do something good for someone else. Be nice to everyone.
Not only does sharing bring us joy, it teaches us the importance of taking care of others. In many cultures, it is quite common to share your home with your elders. But sharing doesn't have to be a grand gesture to be appreciated. It can be as simple as sharing something you feel with someone, like a compliment.