A paragraph with 100 to 150 words on a world without boundaries
don't want boundaries amongst the countries. I don't like it. Few ridges drown on mother earth, which divide hearts, create hatred among the people, relationship violet and sometimes raise conflicts too. How can a person like it ? I don't.
I know its a rare concept. But we have to do it. We have to live it. We have to make it real. Everyone who wants to be happy should try to get together and to love one another. It makes us spiritually strong and creates peace to our mind. Usually, I don' t understand the logic of fighting with one another because of some lines which had drowned on a peace of paper. "A worthless peace of paper." I want to meet the people of the whole world. I want to be a friend of them. I want to sing a carol at Christmas eve with them. And with children, I want to break the glass of a window by hitting a cricket ball. I want to swim like a fish, fly like a bird and to blow like a fresh air. I want to bloom like a flower in a summer morn. Don't you want ?
I know most of people will not agree to my thoughts,And it needs to be. But I want to ask," Isn't it discrimination?"Whatever we get from the nature is a gift for all us. For each organism. Rivers, mountains and woods are for everyone. Then, how can we human beings decide what we should do and what others? We, the people of the whole world, want peace to our life but choose wars. We choose isolation. We choose dead bodies of soldiers, orphans and widows in wars, We choose the boundaries instead of horizon. Tears in exchange of happiness and hate rather than love. Yes, we choose. We choose the world of lies, market of hatred. Why cannot we love one another? Why cannot we go with one another? Why? And if not now? When? Not we? Who?
Think, if there is no boundaries, there are no countries, no cities. No partition and no discrimination. Only one earth.Our earth. Where everything is your, everything is our.A world without boundaries. A world where there is no borders and there is no war on it. A world for children . A world for grown ups. A world for young and olds. A world for love and affection. A world which creates a different relationship between nature and us. A world for Earthians, not for others. Not for haters. Not for those who creates differences.
So, why do not we erase these lines? And erase all our malice. We all. We, the people of the whole world. Drag a new line until the bottom of the sea from the top of the mountains. Just a line. Just a single boundary line. And bind the people around the world with such thread of love that no one break it. We have to make a world for everyone and everyone is for the whole world.
A world without any limitations . Every part of our life is bounded by some limitations. In our schools, rules are boundaries . Limitations are very essential , as a life without boundaries will not be challenging at all. Boundaries are for our own benefit , these limitations only tell us what to do at what time and how to do it. Restrictions are good but if a lot of restrictions are put on us we feel burden and we begin to think wrong things.