English, asked by sangu2296, 8 months ago

A Paragrph about How to protect public property


Answered by suhani732

All the public properties should to considered as our own property ( by everyone in nation ) and we should take care of it. All the rules and regulation should be followed in places like public libraries . We should not make any damages to public property as if not even needed to take care of it.Public property is our property, but when we ourself take it for granted that too without any responsibility towards it how come we can ask others to stop vandalising it and hurting it in one or the other way. various measures that can be taken.

Form committee for all the public parks in your locality

keep a check on unlawful activities being done on it or in it

inculcate good social qualities in your children and make them responsible

if u see anyone taking away the publec property and using it for their gain, first persuade them, tell them it is for public and not personal use and atlast complaint against them if they do not get the thing straight way in their head

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