A parking lot charges Rs.30 as a minimum fee to park a vehicle for up to 3 hours. An additional charge of Rs.5.00 per hour will be added if it exceeds three hours. for 24 hours the parking fees are Rs.80.00.Write a program to define an array and read the vehicle registration number, and hours parked for each customer and calculate the parking charges for ‘n’ customers and display the output.
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using namespace std;
float calculateCharges(float customer_time);
int main()
int number = 3;
float customer_fees[number];
float customer_times[number];
int i;
for(i = 0; i < number; i++)
cout << "Enter the time of parking of " << i+1 << " customer: ";
cin >> customer_times[i];
customer_fees[i] = calculateCharges(customer_times[i]);
for(i = 0; i < number; i++)
cout << "Customer's " << i+1 << " fee for " << customer_times[i] << " = " << customer_fees[i] << endl;
return 0;
float calculateCharges(float customer_time)
float amount = 12 + (0.9 * ((int)customer_time - 2));
if(amount > 20)
return 20;
else return amount;
hope, it will help you
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