Physics, asked by Shobhit3373, 1 year ago

A particle is projected with velocity v0 along x-axis. the deceleration on the particle is proportional to the square of the distance from the origin, i.e., a = αx2. the distance at which the particle stop is :-


Answered by abidmir


This is the right solution to your question.

Answered by aryansuts01



The mental process by which people attribute their thoughts about themselves to others. Self-critical people, for example, may assume that others are criticising them, either consciously or unconsciously. According to Sigmund Freud, projection is a defence technique employed to avoid unpleasant repressed feelings. Controlling, jealous, and furious feelings are some of the feelings that are projected.


With velocity v0, a particle is pushed along the x-axis. The particle's slowing is proportional to its distance from the origin squared i.e., a = αx2.


the range at which the particles comes to a complete stop :-


The polar opposites of acceleration and deceleration are acceleration and deceleration. It refers to how quickly something slows down. Deceleration is calculated by subtracting the final velocity from the initial velocity, with the result having a negative sign because the velocity is decreasing. The particle's slowing is proportional to the square of the distance from the origin, a = - ax2. The range at which the particle comes to a complete stop.

a=\frac{dv}{dt} =\frac{dv}{dx} \frac{dx}{dt}

V \frac{dv}{dx}=-dx^{2}

\int\limits^0_v {v.dv} \,

=-\alpha \int\limits^s_0 {x^{2} } \, dx

=[\frac{V^{2} }{2} ]^0_v

=-\alpha [\frac{n^{2} }{3} ]^s_0=

=V_{0} ^{2} /2=\alpha \frac{s^{3} }{3}

S=[\frac{3V_{0}^{2}  }{2d}]


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