English, asked by apgvetri, 5 months ago

a) partly b) advise c) recall
d) jealous
Choose the appropriate antonyms for the italicized words
4. At regular intervals a board creaked.
a) poor
b) common e) irregular d) crazy
5. The attic had crumbled down.
a) blessed b) revealed e consolidate d) incurio
6. Instantly the steps began again.
a) gradually b) rapidly c) calmly d) modernly
7. Choose the correct plural form of 'radius' from the follo
a) Radio b) radii c) radis d) radios
8. Form the derivative by adding the right suffix to the w
a) - able
b) - our c) - 3) ment
9. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation CCT
rol Television​


Answered by CHERRY2516

a) partly b) advise c) recall

d) jealous

Choose the appropriate antonyms for the italicized words

4. At regular intervals a board creaked.

a) poor

b) common e) irregular d) crazy

5. The attic had crumbled down.

a) blessed b) revealed e consolidate d) incurio

6. Instantly the steps began again.

a) gradually b) rapidly c) calmly d) modernly

7. Choose the correct plural form of 'radius' from the follo

a) Radio b) radii c) radis d) radios

8. Form the derivative by adding the right suffix to the w

a) - able

b) - our c) - 3) ment

9. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation CCT

rol Television

Answered by aarefa786


1a: something spoken or written in reply to a questionHis answer surprised us.

b: a correct responseknows the answer

2: a reply to a legal charge or suit : PLEAalso : DEFENSE

3: something done in response or reactionHis only answer was to walk out.

4: a solution of a problemMore money is not the answer.

5: one that imitates, matches, or corresponds to anotherThe show is television's answer to the newsmagazines.



answered; answering\ ˈan(t)s-riŋ  , ˈan(t)-sə- \

Definition of answer (Entry 2 of 2)

intransitive verb

1: to speak or write in replythink carefully before answering

2a: to be or make oneself responsible or accountableanswer for a debt

b: to make amends : ATONEHe must answer for his crimes.

3: to be in conformity or correspondenceShe answered to the description.

4: to act in response to an action performed elsewhere or by anotherThe home team scored first but the visitors answered quickly.

5: to be adequate : SERVEan old bucket answered for a sinkThe school had to answer for a town hall.

transitive verb

1a: to speak or write in reply toanswer a questionanswer me

b: to say or write by way of replyanswer yes or no

2: to reply to in rebuttal, justification, or explanationanswer an accusation

3a: to correspond toanswers the description

b: to be adequate or usable for : FULFILLanswer a need

4: to act in response toanswered the call to arms

5: to offer a solution forespecially : SOLVEanswer a riddle

6obsolete : to atone for


plz mark me as brainliest

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