A Pearson correlation between two variables is zero but, still their values can still be related to each other.
The statement given in the question about Pearson correlation is option B - True.
A Pearson correlation between two states that even if zero linear correlation exists between two individual variables, even then there might exist a certain kind of correlation.
Pearsons Correlation is a great way to select a subset of a feature.
‘A Pearson correlation between two variables is zero but, still their values can still be related to each other’ is a TRUE statement.
According to statistical analysis, Pearson Coefficient is defined as the linear correlation measurement between the ‘two variables’ namely X and Y. This has the value between + 1 and – 1. Here, 1 is considered to be total positive and 0 is considered to be linear negative correlation.
It is actually a ‘covariance’ of the 2 variables that can be divided by the standard deviation’s product. For example, Y = X2. These are not only associated. But here one can be a function of other and the ‘correlation’ between them is 0.