Science, asked by aa7365434, 10 months ago

A peculiar species have been witnessed in botany department suppose it is a bird from which characters will you confirm this hypothesis ​


Answered by charanjappy2020

AnsweCauses of Variability -- Effects of Habit -- Correlation of Growth -- Inheritance -- Character of

Domestic Varieties -- Difficulty of distinguishing between Varieties and Species -- Origin of

Domestic Varieties from one or more Species -- Domestic Pigeons, their Differences and Origin --

Principle of Selection anciently followed, its Effects -- Methodical and Unconscious Selection --

Unknown Origin of our Domestic Productions -- Circumstances favourable to Man's power of


Chapter II Variation under Nature

Variability -- Individual Differences -- Doubtful species -- Wide ranging, much diffused, and

common species vary most -- Species of the larger genera in any country vary more than the

species of the smaller genera -- Many of the species of the larger genera resemble varieties in being

very closely, but unequally, related to each other, and in having restricted ranges.

Chapter III Struggle for Existence

Bears on natural selection -- The term used in a wide sense -- Geometrical powers of increase --

Rapid increase of naturalised animals and plants -- Nature of the checks to increase -- Competition

universal -- Effects of climate -- Protection from the number of individuals -- Complex relations of

all animals and plants throughout nature -- Struggle for life most severe between individuals and

varieties of the same species; often severe between species of the same genus -- The relation of

organism to organism the most important of all relations.

Chapter IV Natural Selection

Natural Selection -- its power compared with man's selection -- its power on characters of trifling

importance -- its power at all ages and on both sexes -- Sexual Selection -- On the generality of

intercrosses between individuals of the same species -- Circumstances favourable and unfavourable

to Natural Selection, namely, intercrossing, isolation, number of individuals -- Slow action --

Extinction caused by Natural Selection -- Divergence of Character, related to the diversity of

inhabitants of any small area, and to naturalisation -- Action of Natural Selection, through

Divergence of Character and Extinction, on the descendants from a common parent -- Explains the

Grouping of all organic beings.

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