a person covers 132 km distance in 't' hrs by travelling some distance by car and some by train. speed of train is 20% more than speed of car. if ratio of distance travelled by car & train is 4:7 and car covers 48 km distance with 24km/h speed in (t+1/2) hrs then find speed of train ?
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The ans. Is 28.8 km/h
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Speed of train = 28.8 km/h
Given that,
Speed of car = 24 km/h
We need to find the speed of train.
Speed of train is 20% more than speed of car.
Speed of train = Speed of car + 20% of speed of car
= 24 + 0.20 x 24
= 24 + 4.8
= 28.8 km/h
Hence, The speed of two train would be 28.8 km/h
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