Science, asked by anuvab1579, 6 months ago

A petrol engine having a compression ratio of 6 uses a fuel with calorific value of 42 MJ/Kg . The air fuel ratio is 15:1 . Pressure and temperature at the start of the suction stroke is 1 bar and 57 0 C respectively . Determine the maximum pressure in the cylinder if the index of compression is 1.3 and the specific heat at constant volume is given by CV = 0.678 + 0.00013T, where T is in Kelvin . Compare the value with the obtained when Cv=0.717 kJ/kgK.


Answered by dewsofficial29

stroke is 1 bar and 57 0 C respectively . Determine the maximum pressure in the cylinder if the index of compression is 1.3 and the specific heat at constant volume is given by CV = 0.678 + 0.00013T, where T is in Kelvin . Compare the value with the obtained when Cv=0.717 kJ/kgK.

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