English, asked by shantibharat1982, 2 months ago

A Pick out the verbs in the following sentences, and say whether each is Trassitive or Intransitive.

1. A stitch in time saves nine.

2. Go and see your father tomorrow.

3. Take your books and go home.

4. Say that again.

5. Bring me your book, Abdul.

6. I quite agree with him.

7. Rama loves work and Abdul hates it.

8. Put it down.

9. The goat fell into the well

10. Too many cooks spoil the broth. ​


Answered by noibigboljamiu


1. saves (transitive)

2. go and see(intransitive)

3. take and go(intransitive)

4. say(transitive)

5. bring(transitive)

6. agree(transitive)

7. loves and hates(intransitive)

8. put(transitive)

9. fell(intransitive)

10. spoil(transitive)


Answered by anamikaraj2345


1. saves (transtive)

2. go and see ( intranstive)

3. Take and go ( intranstive)

4. say (intranstive)

5. bring (transtive)

6. agree (transtive)

7. loves and hate (intranstive)

8. put (transtive)

9. fell (intranstive)

10. spoil (transitive)

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