Science, asked by tipsa, 1 year ago

a piece of paper undegoes a chemical change, when it is - (1) cut(2) folded(3) reshaped into a paper toy(4) burned


Answered by prmkulk1978
Correct Option Is : Burned 

Reason :
A piece of paper undergoes a chemical change, when it is Burned.

In chemical change, reactants combine to form a new product which differs in properties from reactants.
Heat energy will be absorbed or released.
It is permanent and irreversible.
So, when paper burns we get Ash of powder with heat and light energy. It is permanent and irreversible.

Remaining all the options undergo physical change

Answered by sawakkincsem
Option (4) is correct.
Cutting, folding and reshaping of a paper are all physical changes. While on the other hand, when a paper is burnt, chemical changes occur as a result of which new substances are formed i-e. Carbon dioxide and ash which cannot be converted again into paper. In chemical reactions, a change in color occurs which is an indicator that a chemical reaction is occurring. Also either  heat is absorbed or released. In burning of paper, heat is released which clearly shows that it is a chemical change.
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