Physics, asked by Rosebino4280, 1 year ago

A planar structure of length L and width W is made of two different optical media of refractive indices n₁ = 1.5 and n₂ = 1.44 as shown in figure. If L >> W, a ray entering from end AB will emerge from end CD only if the total internal reflection condition is met inside the structure. For L = 9.6 m, if the incident angle Ө is varied, the maximum time taken by a ray to exit the plane CD is t × 10⁻⁹ s, where t is ________.
[Speed of light c = 3 × 10⁸ m/s]



Answered by mansi17348



  1. ccum64c36imci3ck6u63kcc75el7cl5ekxu5e7kx5e6xk4e6xk4wj6zwj6xwxi6e6jxe7kx3 skyr ky4wxywkry lrwl6x4wyl w4ox64wxk6w4k7exjtuxmetykxexyk5eyxkeyxekxkyetyx5kexe5lyyltex
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