A pleasanter spot you never Spied;
But when Begins my Ditty,
i. Which pleasanter spot is being talked about in the above lines?
Story-The Pied Piper
The Pied Piper of Hamelin’ by Robert Browning is an entertaining poem about the importance of telling the truth and keeping one’s promises.
In the first lines of the poem, the speaker begins by describing the town of Hamelin and the central issue they’re contending with. The town is overrun with rats. They’re everywhere and making the townspeople miserable. Luckily for them, the Piper turns up and offers to rid their town of rats for a fee of 1,000 guilders. They accept happily, and the Piper does exactly what he promised. Once the rats are gone, the Piper asks for his money, and the Mayor refuses to pay him.
In order to teach the town a lesson, the Piper plays his pipe again and leads all the town’s children through a mountain passage. After this, the town attempts to seek him out and pay what they owe, but they’re never able to. The children grow up and have children of their own who remember their past as a legend.
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