English, asked by mandesin4910, 9 months ago

A poem on cleanliness with 5 paragraphs


Answered by obaidehsan




Answered by ransfordbaidoo65



Mama Lisa's Blog

Poems, Songs and Rhymes about Cleanliness and Washing Up

May 28th, 2008

Kishan emailed me requesting a poem about cleanliness.

Here are some rhymes and poems I found that are generally about cleanliness, keeping clean or washing up…

First, here’s a traditional nursery rhyme that mentions having a clean face:

The Clock

There’s a neat little clock,

In the schoolroom it stands,

And it points to the time

With its two little hands.

And may we, like the clock,

Keep a face clean and bright,

With hands ever ready

To do what is right.

This next rhyme is about washing feet:


Marguerite, go wash your feet;

The board of health is ‘cross the street.

Here’s a song you can sing when washing up or brushing teeth:

This is the Way We Wash our Hands

(To the tune of Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush)

This is the way we wash our hands

Wash our hands, wash our hands,

This is the way we wash our hands

In the afternoon (or “To keep us very healthy”)

(You can continue with washing other body parts or substitute the line “This is the way we brush our teeth”.)

Here’s a song about washing away germs:


Wash your face and hands with soap,

Wash them every day!

Keeping clean by using soap

Will help keep germs away

Finally, below you’ll find an old poem called Cleanliness by Charles and Mary Lamb from around 1874. First I’ve given a shortened version that I found and after that you’ll find the full, longer version of it:


All-endearing cleanliness,

Virtue next to godliness,

Easiest, cheapest, needfull’st duty,

To the body health and beauty;

Who that’s human would refuse it,

When a little water does it?

Here’s the longer version:


Come, my little Frank, near-

Fie! what filthy hands are here!

Who, that e’er could understand

The rare structure of a hand,

With its branching fingers fine,

Work itself of hands divine,

Strong, yet delicately knit,

For ten thousand uses fit,

Overlaid with so clear skin

You may see the blood within,-

Who this hand would choose to cover

With a crust of dirt all over,

Till it look’d in hue and shape

Like the forefoot of an ape!

Man or boy that works or plays

In the fields or the highways,

May, without offence or hurt,

From the soil contract a dirt

Which the next clear spring or river

Washes out and out for ever-

But to cherish stains impure,

Soil deliberate to endure,

On the skin to fix a stain

Till it works into the grain,

Argues a degenerate mind,

Sordid, slothful, ill-inclined,

Wanting in that self-respect

Which does virtue best protect.

All-endearing cleanliness,

Virtue next to godliness,

Easiest, cheapest, needfull’st duty,

To the body health and beauty;

Who that’s human would refuse it,

When a little water does it?

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