A poem on our new lifestyle (in quarantine)
Qurantine poem
wake up Charli it's late,
get ready and came up near the gate.
Get up now and check the phone,
is there any other message on.
you know that it's quarantine,
but online classes are on time !
my dear son ;
do some sanitization,
with more and more protection ,
there are many needy and poory.
go and give them some ration
for them to eat one more week.
it's never too late to go and yeahh
say your brother
to do it without show
do wash your hands
after every single stand
be helpful and be precautioned
never lose your mind
for any trouble of such kind
now time for you to have
news of daily cave
quarantine is too long and
the corona virus is so strong
that it made every remidy wrong
still I supervise you
maintain social distance and
suggests you to stay safe
and never 'panack' !
- asmaviya rahbar