A population of thermophilic archaebacteria are generally found in hot springs. Anychange to the temperature of the water affects the survival of the archaebacteria. If thetemperature of hot springs gets reduced, change in which component can allow survivalof few members ofthese archaebacteria? Support your answer with proper reason.(HOTS)
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usually archaebacteria differ from eubacteria in the structure and nature of cell wall which helps them to strive the extreme environmental conditions.
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A population of thermophilic archaebacteria is generally found in hot springs. Any change in the temperature of the water affects the survival of the archaebacteria. If the temperature of hot springs gets reduced, a change in cell wall can allow the survival of a few members of these archaea bacteria.
- Archaebacteria vary from eubacteria in the construction and nature of their cell walls, which aids them in surviving in harsh environments.
- Its cell wall changes will aid them in surviving in cold water.
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