Science, asked by rocketwomannasa, 1 year ago

A potato remains a potato even after boiling. So, is the change reversible or irreversible? Give reason to support your answer.


Answered by wajahatkincsem

A raw potato becomes a cooked potato so the change is irreversible.


  • The process of cooking involves chemical changes.
  • Before cooking a raw vegetable has its own taste and structure.
  • But after cooking under high temperature and pressure, not only texture and composition but the taste also changes.
  • Therefore a cooked potato is a new chemical substance with a different taste.
  • Thus the reaction is irreversible as cooked potato cannot be converted to raw potato.

Answered by triparnakundu0


Boiling of a potato is Irreversible change.


It an Irrevesible change as because:-

The cooked potato is queit diffrent in taste than Raw potato as Boling differs the taste.

Hardness totaly change and it becames so soft that we can break with hand

The main Even all things change but it can reverses therefore irrevesible change.This are the reason for my answer.

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