English, asked by shaikhsaba1460, 1 year ago

a prediction what will happen in future​


Answered by anishkabalyan29


I think soon the vaccine of corona virus will come... and everything will be normal....but it will take around a year.. I think everybody should stay at home and enjoy this time with their families....


This must be our aim...

I think you liked my answer

if yes Mark as brainliest

and don't forget to follow me


Answered by HaseebNasir

1:You'll communicate with dead relatives via virtual reality.

Virtual reality communication in the future

Ray Kurzweil, a futurist and director of engineering at Google, doesn't like the idea of people he loves dying any more than you do. We can't stop them from dying, but we can preserve their memories a little better than just fading photographs. He thinks we're heading towards an age when we'll be able to create virtual reality avatars of our deceased loved ones, realistic enough that we can interact with them. "This will be a way to bring him back," he says, referring to his father. "Even if it isn't fully realistic to bring these people back in A.I., it'll be close." And for more astonishing factoids, check out the 100 Awesome Facts About Everything.

2:Your kitchen will restock itself.

Kitchen Restocking Itself Predictions About the Future

Amazon is already launching drone delivery, but if even that sounds like too much effort, the kitchen of tomorrow won't need you to notice that your milk is running low or you're almost out of beer. Containers will send out alerts, on their own, when they're in need of replenishing. And to make sure yours will keep you healthy for longer, give your fridge this list of the 40 Heart Foods to Eat After 40.

3:You'll check email with your contact lenses.

Contact Lens AI

Engineers at Samsung are hard at work trying to develop a pair of contact lenses that let you go online and read your favorite websites without lifting a finger. How does it work? Well, it involves a "light-emitting diode on an off-the-shelf soft contact lens, using a material the researchers developed: a transparent, highly conductive, and stretchy mix of graphene and silver nanowires."

They've already tested it on rabbits, who apparently have been tweeting lots of mean comments from their eyes all year. (No, that's a joke. But the contact lenses are entirely real!) And if you're looking for more mind-blowing trivia, don't miss the 50 Crazy Celebrity Facts You Won't Believe Are True.

4:Mars will get rings like Saturn.

mars with rings in future


Saturn's rings always made it the most recognizable planet in our solar system, but it may lose those bragging rights in another 20 to 40 million years. Mars could one day get its own outer ring. It all depends on its moon, Phobos, which is getting closer and closer to the red planet's surface. If it doesn't crash into Mars, it will break apart into countless tiny bits, which will continue to orbit the planet. Pretty cool, right? And for some surprising trivia much closer to home, check out the 20 Amazing Facts You Never Knew About Your Body.

5:We'll be communicating with thoughts.

Man Meditating at Home Anti-Aging


The BBC is pretty confident we can make this happen in the not-so-distant future. "Picking up thoughts and relaying them to another brain will not be much harder than storing them on the net," claims futurologist Ian Pearson. Oh great, so now even our own thoughts have to be politically correct all the time? We are in so much trouble. To learn how to train your mind to avoid any future awkwardness, try the 10 Ways To Focus Betting During Meditation.

6:China will undergo a revolution.

China future prediction

At least according to George Friedman, author of The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century. One out of seven exports from China go to Walmart, he says, and even Warren Buffett doesn't believe Walmart has a future. "All of the prosperity of China is built on the willingness of the U.S. and Europe to buy its products," he says, and that time is coming to an end. When that time comes, he doesn't think the current version of China will be able to survive "a billion [angry] peasants."

7:We'll have dinosaur zoos with real woolly mammoths.

Woolly Mammoth display for the future


Thanks to advances in cloning technology, we might be able to bring back animals like the woolly mammoths. But according to Akira Iritani, a professor at Kyoto University, "Now the technical problems have been overcome, all we need is a good sample of soft tissue from a frozen mammoth." Russian scientists are working on doing just that, and the big question in the medical community isn't "is it possible," but "should we do it?"

8:CGI will replace actors entirely.

CGI image for the future

CGI has been used for everything from creating new scenes of actors in their youth to replacing actors who've died. How long before it just replaces them completely? Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise can relax for now, but according to Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, a computer graphics scientist and founder and head of MIRALab at the University of Geneva, as the technology improves, anyone who isn't an A-list actor will likely be done "more and more by computer."

9:Artificial intelligence will replace artists.

Robot painting in the future

Also according to futurist Ray Kurzweil, computers will be able paint, write, and compose far better than humans ever will.

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