- A. Prepare a table on the Types of Soils found in India. Present information using the following heads:
- Type of Soil
- Areas
- Features
- Formation
- Other
The soil is formed when rocks are broken down by the action of wind, water and climate. The characteristic ...
There are different types of soil found in India based on color, texture and other attributes.
1. Alluvial Soil
2. Black Soil
3. Red and yellow
4. Laterite Soil
Soil is the renewable natural resource. It is the most important resource as it supports different types of living organisms on this planet. The major factors affecting the formation of soil are parent, relief, material, climate, vegetation and other life-forms and time. Besides these, human activities also influence it to a large extent. In India, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has classified soils into different categories: alluvial soil, black soil, rea and yellow soil ,and laterite soil.