Computer Science, asked by avika9455, 7 months ago

A programming language that uses the alphanumeric codes foe writing program is called


Answered by padmavathibolla


computer programming / computer coding


There are many different codes used in computer programming. One such example of those is alphanumeric codes, also known as character codes.

Quick Navigation

Alphanumeric Code: More than Just Numbers

The Definition of Alphanumeric Code

The Power of Alphanumeric Characters

Alphanumeric Shellcode to Enhance Security

The Origin of Alphanumeric Code (Morse)

American Standard Code for Information Interchange

Extended Binary Coded Decima lnterchange Code

Fixing Issues with UNICODE

The Different Uses of UNICODE

Characters and Letters Galore

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These codes go beyond the traditional numeric representations found in more basic systems because they allow for the representation of both characters and letters, which then allows for the expression of more information.

Alphanumeric Code: More Than Just Numbers

When computers were first invented, their only purpose was to compute calculations. A user would input information and the system would organize it in a way that made sense.

That system was mainly used for numbers in order to make sense of different equations.

However, as time has gone on and computer calculations have gotten more complex, researchers needed a way to go beyond numbers.

Computers are digital systems, which means they are only able to deal or work with 1s and 0s. The alphanumeric code gets around that by allowing them to work in both letters and symbols.

The Definition Of Alphanumeric Code :

At their base, alphanumeric codes are binary codes that represent different alphanumeric (meaning more than numeric) data in a form that is only understood and representable by a computer.

That can include numbers, but it also expands to letters, punctuation marks, and mathematical symbols. It also encapsulates more common symbols like #, @, and &.

Those extra symbols are instrumental in allowing input-output devices like keyboards and monitors to interface with the computer. In addition, they enable stronger passwords and generate a tighter layer of security.

They can even be used to create file names and are instrumental in building up a stronger system through programming.

The Power Of Alphanumeric Characters

All instructions, regardless of code, need to be written to computers in the form of numbers. That is the only language they understand, and it is the basis of all modern computing.

To get around that and create more detailed processes, programmers use alphanumeric code to create what is known as alphanumeric characters.

That creates representations of what humans see as alphabet characters and then sends them to the system.

For instance, though computers only recognize 0s and 1s, binary code can be used to create various letters of the alphabet. For example, in binary, the letter “A” is represented as 01000001.

Our eyes see that as a string of numbers, but a computer can read it as a letter. String enough such patterns together and you get an entire word.

Alphanumeric Shellcode To Enhance Security

The alphanumeric code has many advantages over more basic options, and one of the most striking is how well it advances security.

The representation of both letters and characters allows for more patterns, which creates stronger, more secure systems.

Perhaps the best example of this is in passwords and usernames.

Rather than just typing solely in numbers, users are encouraged to mix in alphanumeric characters to make their information more complex. That makes passwords much harder to crack and more resilient to outside attacks.

That security is furthered through alphanumeric shellcode, which is a shellcode that consists of or assembles itself on execution into entirely alphanumeric ASCII or Unicode characters like A through Z or 0 to 9.

Those different options are useful when it comes to creating a code that avoids detection or needs to pass through filters that scrub non-alphanumeric characters from strings.

A similar encoding type known as printable code can even use all printable characters to create a shellcode that is similar to normal English text.


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