a quantity of 0.06g of Cu was deposited from copper sulphate solution by 8A through the solution for 7.6 min. what is the value of faraday constant ?
A study has been made of .the influence of benzotriazole as a corrosion,
inhibitor for copper and brass in atmospheric and immersed environments.
The effect of benzotriazole as an addition agent in the copper sulphatesulphuric acid plating bath has been investigated systematically, with a
particular emphasis on the correlation between the structure and properties
of the coatings.
Benzotriazole has been found to be a good inhibitor and v/as discovered to
act as a weak buffer for copper and brass immersed in acidic, neutral and
alkaline solutions. The film^formed by pre-dipping copper into a hot aqueous
solution of benzotriazole^increased the corrosion resistance in many solutions
and v/as particularly beneficial in oxidizing and complexing solutions, as
well a.s in decreasing the rate of oxidation in atmospheric conditions up
to about 350°C. Benzotriazole was found to have similar inhibitive
properties to- napfithotriazole and v/as much better than triazole in several
It was established, by using the Stereoscan,that the presence of benzotriazole in the plating solution modified the nucleation and growth of the
deposits. With low concentrations adsorption occurred during plating,
while with higher additions it v/as codeposited in a layered structure. Indeposits from the plain bath, the grain size decreased while the hardness
and tensile stress ir±creased;as the bath temperature was lowered and the
current density raised. Deposits from the bath containing benzotriazole
had a much smaller grain size and were much harder, the actual hardness
varying with the plating parameters in a similar manner to that of the
deposits from, the plain bath. The internal stress, measured with the
Spiral Contractometer, could be tensile or compressive and depended upon
the concentration of benzotriazole in the solution and the plating conditions,
2 2 the range of values being from l6k MN/m tensile to 121 MN/m compressive.
The results produced in this work have been analysed in the light of the
known theories and correlations produced