Computer Science, asked by alyankhan238, 11 months ago

A reaction vessel in a chemical plant is monitored, along with many others, by a computer system using a number of sensors of different types. Describe three different types of output that would be used by such a system, stating why such a use would be necessary.


Answered by cpkumar27


vessel in a chemical plant is monitored, along with many others, by acomputer system using a number of sensors of different types. Describe threedifferent types of output that would be used by such a system, stating why such ause would be necessary.(6)A.-Graphs (of the temperature, pressure...) showing the general state of the reactionvessel...-to show the operator the trends in the vessel, for example shows clearly whetherthe temperature is increasing.-Report (of temperature)...-while the graph shows a trend, the report gives precise figures.-Sound-an alarm would sound if the temperature went past a safe limit.-Hard copy printout...-to allow investigators to study problems that may cause a shutdown orunacceptably poor product.Note: While knowledge of a chemical reaction is not part of a computing syllabus,it is reasonable to expect students to realise that heat, or some other sensibleparameter, would play an important part in the reaction.5.Explain what is meant by the timeliness and relevance of data.(2)A.-Timeliness is the concept that data changes over time and that data is only part of asensible solution for a short period before it becomes outdated.-Relevance of data means that data has a bearing, or use, in that particularapplication.Note: These are simple definition answers. Having said that, the answers herewould not be expected, any answer that has the essence of the correct answer wouldbe acceptable. Examiners are aware that students take these papers under a lot ofpressure and in a question like this will do their best to compensate as long as thegerm of the answer is there.

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