English, asked by navitaagrawal353, 7 months ago

A. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: The day was symbolized for me the playing of our two national anthems, and the vision of whites singing ‘Nkosi Sikelel- iAfrica’ and blacks singing ‘Die Stem’, the old anthem of the Republic. Although that day neither group knew the lyrics of the anthem they once despised, they would soon know the words by heart. a) How many national anthems were played? (one/ two/ three/ four) b) Which is the old anthem of the Republic? (Nkosi Sikelel- iAfrica/ We’re the world/ Die Stem/ God Bless America) c) Both the white and the black will soon know the words by __________. d) The word opposite in meaning to ‘respect’ in the given extract is ___


Answered by Anonymous


a.) Two

b.) Die Stem

c.) ______ = heart

d.) Despised

Answered by rudrashingadiya


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