English, asked by skbansal1944, 10 months ago

(A) Read the follouanges and answer the questions that follow in one or two lines
The child followed them in the air with his gaze, till one
of them would still its wings and rest, and he would try
fal Who is the in this exfract? Why was the
running to nnd fro?
to catchil
a Who or what does them' in this extract refer
(b) What do you understand by the phrase: 'he
stood defeated'?
bi What do you understand by 'still its wings'?
surable and
stly, of course,
(c) Why was 'he' crying?
sage means 'to
Ic! Why would the child try to catch 'it'?
To perform
(d) What traits of the child's character are (d) What could 'he'see at a distance?
revealed in this extract?
Having run to and fro in a rage of running for a while, he
stood defeated, his cries suppressed into sobs. At little
distances on the green grass he could see, through his
flimsy eyes, men and women talking.
"Listen to that nice music, childl" he pleaded. But the
child shut his ears with his fingers and shouted his
double-pitched stran:​


Answered by sainitamanna46


(b) I think that still its wings depict that the thing or an object has wings till now.

(c) He would try to catch it but it would go fluttering, flapping ,up into the air , when he had almost caught it in his hands.

(d) so the traits shown are excitement,concentration , ambition and reluctance.

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