English, asked by lastkinglk2650899, 2 months ago

a. Read the following sentences from the text and notice the words that are


i. Do free writing exercises regularly.

ii. Go quickly without rushing.

iii. No wonder the producer gets nervous, jumpy, inhibited, and finally can’t be coherent.

iv. You can throw away lousy beginnings and make new ones.

The underlined words in (a) and (b) are adverbs, and in (c) and (d) are adjectives.

Notice that we can form adverbs by adding the suffix ‘-ly’ to an adjective, and adjective

by adding the suffix ‘-y’ to a noun.

Note that adding the suffix ‘-ly’ to the noun makes that noun an adjective (e.g. friend

– friendly, love – lovely, beast – beastly, scholar – scholarly, month –monthly, etc.).

b. Write the following words in the right columns. Change the adjectives into

adverbs and nouns into adjectives, as shown in the example.

rain, careful, bush, spice, perfect, automatic, snow, blood, certain, cloud, fair, general,

heavy, bag, proud, rapid, mood, noise, proper, air, final, common, beautiful, frequent,

snow, hungry, cream, dust, ease, ice, oil, spice fun, hand, greed, health, hill

Adjectives Adverbs Nouns Adjectives









c. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate adjective or adverb.

i. Pramila is playing …… (quiet/quietly).

ii. Hari speaks very …… (loud/loudly).

iii. Mukesh is a …… (careful/carefully) driver.

iv. The test was …… (easy/easily) and we finished in time.

v. He is fitting the …… (automatic/automatically) door in my house.

vi. My uncle speaks …… (perfect/perfectly) Chinese.

vii. It was raining very …… (heavy/heavily).

viii. She looked very …… (calm/calmly), but I am sure she was feeling very



Answered by samm210820



2 loudly

3 careful

4 easy

5 automatically

6 perfectly

7 heavily

8 clam

Answered by sanmitha5


1. quietly

2. loudly

3. careful

4. easy

5. automatically

6. perfectly

7. heavily

8. clam


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