A record of different imaginary transaction for 10 days of a new business with capital of Rs 100000 like medical store
Answer: transaction for ten days of the new business is below 1.11.2018 Opening balance 100000cr
2.11.2018 sale to Ravi 2200 cr
2.11.2018 payment to rishi 19000Dr
3.11.2018 sales to Amar 21000Cr
4.11.2018 sales to Prakash 15000Cr
5.11.2018 payment to Mukesh 16600Dr
5.11.2018 Sales to Rajesh 5600Cr
5.11.2018 sale to Prakash 3500Cr
6.11.2018 fan repair 1500Dr
6.11.2018 Ac service 2200Dr
Total 39300Dr 147300Cr
Cash at hand and bank 108000Cr