Physics, asked by madsreporters, 6 months ago

A resistor is made by using a 50 m nichrome wire of diameter 0.8mm at 0°C. Calculate its resistance at 50°C.​


Answered by sameerlakhanpal08

The resistance of an object depends on its shape and the material of which it is composed. The cylindrical resistor in Figure 1 is easy to analyze, and, by so doing, we can gain insight into the resistance of more complicated shapes. As you might expect, the cylinder’s electric resistance R is directly proportional to its length L, similar to the resistance of a pipe to fluid flow. The longer the cylinder, the more collisions charges will make with its atoms. The greater the diameter of the cylinder, the more current it can carry (again similar to the flow of fluid through a pipe). In fact, R is inversely proportional to the cylinder’s cross-sectional area A.

A cylindrical conductor of length L and cross section A is shown. The resistivity of the cylindrical section is represented as rho. The resistance of this cross section R is equal to rho L divided by A. The section of length L of cylindrical conductor is shown equivalent to a resistor represented by symbol R.

Figure 1. A uniform cylinder of length L and cross-sectional area A. Its resistance to the flow of current is similar to the resistance posed by a pipe to fluid flow. The longer the cylinder, the greater its resistance. The larger its cross-sectional area A, the smaller its resistance.

For a given shape, the resistance depends on the material of which the object is composed. Different materials offer different resistance to the flow of charge. We define the resistivityρ of a substance so that the resistance R of an object is directly proportional to ρ. Resistivity ρ is an intrinsic property of a material, independent of its shape or size. The resistance R of a uniform cylinder of length L, of cross-sectional area A, and made of a material with resistivity ρ, is







Table 1 gives representative values of ρ. The materials listed in the table are separated into categories of conductors, semiconductors, and insulators, based on broad groupings of resistivities. Conductors have the smallest resistivities, and insulators have the largest; semiconductors have intermediate resistivities. Conductors have varying but large free charge densities, whereas most charges in insulators are bound to atoms and are not free to move. Semiconductors are intermediate, having far fewer free charges than conductors, but having properties that make the number of free charges depend strongly on the type and amount of impurities in the semiconductor. These unique properties of semiconductors are put to use in modern electronics, as will be explored in later chapters.

Table 1. Resistivities ρ of Various materials at 20º C

Material Resistivity ρ ( Ω ⋅ m )


Silver 1. 59 × 10−8

Copper 1. 72 × 10−8

Gold 2. 44 × 10−8

Aluminum 2. 65 × 10−8

Tungsten 5. 6 × 10−8

Iron 9. 71 × 10−8

Platinum 10. 6 × 10−8

Steel 20 × 10−8

Lead 22 × 10−8

Manganin (Cu, Mn, Ni alloy) 44 × 10−8

Constantan (Cu, Ni alloy) 49 × 10−8

Mercury 96 × 10−8

Nichrome (Ni, Fe, Cr alloy) 100 × 10−8


Carbon (pure) 3.5 × 105

Carbon (3.5 − 60) × 105

Germanium (pure) 600 × 10−3

Germanium (1−600) × 10−3

Silicon (pure) 2300

Silicon 0.1–2300


Amber 5 × 1014

Glass 109 − 1014

Lucite >1013

Mica 1011 − 1015

Quartz (fused) 75 × 1016

Rubber (hard) 1013 − 1016

Sulfur 1015

Teflon >1013

Wood 108 − 1011

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