Science, asked by manojme388, 8 months ago

A road to the hill top is to be constructed .the distance would be less if a straight road is built . inspite of this ,the engineer suggested the construction of a winding road .what may be the reason for this?​


Answered by Alonaalexy20


There are several reasons why roads on mountains are curved instead of straight.

Design standards have maximum grades for specific types of roadways. One reason is because vehicles such as semi trucks have difficulty when the grade is too steep. Another reason is in the event that the road gets icy, it would be very difficult to traverse up and/or down a steep grade and have good traction. Vehicles would have a tendency to slide all over the place. Obviously, this is a safety issue. We try to reduce the steepness of the incline to avoid this.

In order to reduce the incline of the road, we make the road longer by putting curves in it. Have you ever ridden your bicycle up a steep hill and zig-zagged up the road to make it easier to get up the hill? This is the same principle. When you zig-zag up the hill, you are reducing the steepness of the incline by making it longer and flatter. This is what we are doing when we make the roads curve up the mountain.

Another reason, is that mountains have a tendency to have natural curves where the roads may be placed. You try to fit the roadway to the terrain as best as possible.

When designing a road, you try to balance the earthwork quantities. In other words, we try to use what we excavate by placing it as fill material. On a mountain, this may mean that you are adjusting the placement of the road to try to balance the cuts and fills. We try not to let this dictate where the road goes too much though because, obviously, we would prefer a straight road.

Oftentimes, in mountainous terrain, there are obstacles such as rock outcroppings that would need to be blasted to cut the road through. In cases like this, we may move the road over to avoid the rock outcropping. This adds curves to the road.

These are just a few reasons why we have curvy roads in the mountains.


Answered by dpremcharan2008


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