Physics, asked by mssraomaths35pak87l, 11 months ago

A rocket has a mass of 21000kg of which 15000kg is fuel.the rocket engine can exhaust fuel at the rate of 190kg per second with an exhaust velocity 2800metre per second relative to the ground.if the rocket is fired upwards final velocity at the burn out is

please answer me quickly


Answered by Ayano160
Dear User

Velocity of rocket is given as

v=u ln(M/M-rt)

wher M is the total mass of rocket + fuel at t=0 sec = 20 +180 =200 kg

and r rate of fuel consumption =2kg/sec

u is the velocity of gas ejection w.r.t rocket = 1.6 km/sec

ultimate velocity is achieved when all the fuel will burn

ie. M-rt =20 kg

so v= 1.6 ln(180/20)

=3.515 km/sec
Hope it 8s correct because I am not very good in maths
Answered by satwik71
Don't hesitate you are not getting problems just go through the concepts twice will develop definitely
Thank you ;
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