A round face clock in Roman block numbers fell down and the dial broke into 4 parts . The numerals in each part in every case some to a table of 20 . Can you show how the four parts of the clock face was broken?
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Two Ways Shown how the Roman Block numbers clock broken in 4 Equal parts of 20
Step-by-step explanation:
Clock has numbers 1 to 12
which adds up
12 * 13/2 = 78
Each Part is broken in sum of 20
there are four parts
=> 20 * 4 = 80
There is additional sum of 2
which can be in two cases
case 1 :
IV is divided
then it becomes I + V
=> 4 becomes 6
| (from XI) + XII + I + II + III + I (from IV broken) = 20
X + X ( X from XI) = 20
VIII + VII + V ( V from VI) = 20
IX + V ( from IV) + V + I ( from VI) = 20
Case 2 :
IX is divided
then it become I + X
=> 9 becomes 11
X (from IX) + X = 20
XI + VIII + I ( from IX) = 20
XII + VII + I = 20
II + III + IV + V + VI = 20
Solution attached as well
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.TAA conventional clock with numbers from 1 to 12 in order is cut ...

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