A Sales manager creates a presentation he add the same slide transition to all the slide. Write the steps which are followed by slide transition?
Using PowerPoint, a wide range of special effects, such as transition and animation can be added in a presentation to provide visual interest to the presentation and grab the audience’s attention. The Points can be revealed on slides in a staggered way (i.e. one bullet displayed at a time) to keep the audience focused only on the point which is being discussed at the given time. Also, the presentation can be automated, so it runs on its own. The slide show can be enhanced by applying the following effects: 1. Adding Transitions to a Slide 2. Add Sound to Slide Transitions 3. Animating Text and Objects 4. Rehearse TimingRead more on Sarthaks.com - https://www.sarthaks.com/129654/sales-manager-creates-presentation-add-the-same-slide-transition-all-the-slide-write-steps?show=129663#a129663