A Scan the following passages and comment on their prosodic features:
i.Confusion shame remorse despair, At once his bosom swelled,
The damps of death bedewed his brow, He shook, he groaned, he fell.
ii.One more unfortunate Weary of breath Rashly importunate Gone to her death.
B. Write short notes on any two of the following:
a.Eye rhyme b.Ode
c.Metaphor d.Rogatio
e.Terza Rima
Terza rima is a kind of poetry that was created by the renowned poet Dante, which he used in his classic work The Divine Comedy (thirteenth century). It had reached England by the next century, when Geoffrey Chaucer used the same form in his work. However, terza rima became a well known form in England only after Thomas Wyatt used it extensively.
The main features of terza rima include:
1. Line length- It is written in three lined verses, called tercets. Each verse contains only three lines, though the number of lines is not fixed.
2. Meter- In English, usually the lines are written in iambic pentameter, wherein each line contains ten syllables.
3. Rhyme Scheme- Terza rima employs a complex rhyme scheme. The rhyme scheme is aba- bcb- ded-efe. So, the second line of the first stanza and the first and third lines of the second stanza rhyme. It is like picking up a rhyme from the previous stanza and taking it forward to all the stanzas throughout the poem.
4. Ending- Terza rima ends with a couplet (a set of two rhyming lines).
It is an interesting form and has been employed by poets like Shelley in “Ode to the West Wind” and Sylvia Plath in “The Sow”.