A secondry metabolite which primarily acts as a toxin is
Roux and Yersin (1888) who first observed the presence of toxin in a disease caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Gaumann (1954) stated "micro-organisms are| pathogenic only if they are toxigenic". He used the term "toxin" and "microbial poison" to denote all substances produced by the pathogens. Therefore, there is a correlation between toxin and development of disease, resulting in the death of hosts. Toxins interrupt the metabolic processes of the living host cells.
When secreted those poisonous compounds are known as exotoxins whereas those found in the prokaryotic cell wall are endotoxins. An example of a bacterial secondary metabolite with a positive and negative effect on humans is botulinum toxin synthesised by Clostridium botulinum.