English, asked by lavenderalpha150, 1 month ago

a sentence with the words Rode,Road Sauce,Source Scene,Seen See,Sea Side,Sighed Soar,Sore Sole,Soul Some,Sum Sort,Sought Stare,Stair Stationary,Stationery Steal,Steel Stile,Style Sun,Son Tail,Tale​


Answered by dudikumara4


poem is the wall itself. It comes to represent the divisions between people, things that keep them apart.The central metaphor in this poem is the wall itself. It comes to represent the divisions between people, things that keep them apart.The central metaphor in this poem is the wall itself. It comes to represent the divisions between people, things that keep them apart.The central metaphor in this poem is the wall itself. It comes to represent the divisions between people, things that keep them apart.The central metaphor in this poem is the wall itself. It comes to represent the divisions between people, things that keep them apart.The central metaphor in this poem is the wall itself. It comes to represent the divisions between people, things that keep them apart.The central metaphor in this poem is the wall itself. It comes to represent the divisions between people, things that keep them apart.The central metaphor in this poem is the wall itself. It comes to represent the divisions between people, things that keep them apart.The central metaphor in this poem is the wall itself. It comes to represent the divisions between people, things that keep

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