A set of dialogues between three young women discussing whether or not they should join the military after graduating.
lady 1: hello, how are you both?
lady 2: All good.
lady 3: we were just discussing about the armed forces
lady 1: That is actually great, women have a right to join military
lady 2: Yes, but what will the society think?
lady 3: She is right, what if we are not accepted by them?
Lady 1: This is the reason why women have stayed behind due to society's thinking
Do you think we are not capable of joining military?
Lady 2: It's not that but we are afraid
Lady 3: We still have to live and get some earning for our families
Lady 1: You can also live ur life peacefully if you join military and it will be an honour of pride for ur family and society if u are a part of the military
Lady 2: I guess you are correct, we must join the military
Lady 3: Yes, even I think the same. So let's join military
Lady 1: Of course yes!
Lady 2: Thank you for encouraging us
Lady 3: we are all going to be proud military womens of society!
All together : Let's Join Military!